Saturday, April 14, 2012

Since I'm lying in bed typing this, obviously my internet connection is working
again, and I went for a jog with my dog in guy mode ( that would be me of 
course, I don't dress my dog up as guy, that would be weird) but then
one could argue that dressing me up as a guy is weird or as a girl -certainly
dressing sometimes one way  and sometimes another does cause some
mental stress - but overall it's such a relief that there's no question I'm 
better off dressing than not dressing, but it's a little weird I'll admit.
but after my jog I went to the bank and poured my change from the
jar into the coin counter at the bank and JACKPOT! 
$102.47 _I'm Rich!!!!! well that may be hyperbole, but I can at least
go out tonight to the crossgender club meeting and have a beer or two
and celebrate six months of  living as a woman part-time!

I'm going to the HD broadcast of the opera with  my parents in a half hour. 
I did the top caption really quickly using the one I did yesterday as a starting
point, just because I was in such a rush - the picture is from a site called
passable girl, and since I've got a picture of me standing around in public
and since that is what passing is all about, I'm going to submit it to the site,
but I'm pretty sure they don't share my sense of humor - so don't expect
to see my picture there - sorry 

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