Sunday, April 8, 2012

I have to get up really early for my first interview tomorrow ( I have two
 interviews both in boy mode for very masculine type jobs, but I don't have
enough money in my checking account to make it through more than a week,
so I can't dress up and go to job fairs -I can't afford it with the odds being so low.
I really need to find a job this week but I have two interviews on Monday, and
one on Wednesday, plus I'll  be calling and emailing on some more so, my
chances are pretty good I'll pull this off  -If I do, I'll make another good sized
offering in church (which is a silly way to say thanks, but it seems concrete
somehow - I don't know you can't really sacrifice a bull and burn it at the alter,
to offer your thanks)

So in the mean time I started on a caption with me in my new dress and loaner wig,
but I didn't get very far - I think it's going to be another "Win a Date with Stacy"
contest for a free ticket to a play with me at the Guthrie to see the comedy
 "Hay Fever"  (I have an extra ticket, and I'll wait a week and ask some of my
transwomen friends if they want to go, so the ticket won't actually be wasted,
but I have a very strange sense of humor, and it strikes me as funny that I can
post on this blog that a guy could go on a date with me -for real - and not
one guy will respond - Gosh isn't being trans sexy?
 - yeh right

So that's my loaner dark brown wig and my new black dress and I wore them
to church - it was a very good service and afterwards I went over to Como Park
again and walked around in my 4" heels and black dress and all and it was fun.
Actually I'm starting to overhear comments like "she's a big girl" and" I like them big"
at the Como Zoo, and a couple gay guys walked up to me after the church service
(I'm 6'+ in those heels and a size 18, so I'm not remotely petite, but a few straight guys
are looking at me, checking me out a bit, and not picking up that I'm a guy in a
dress, which is pretty cool - I think it's still pretty obvious to any woman, but
I'm comfortable walking around now, and I really don't care if they know
or they don't know - I mean I'm being myself and not bothering anyone, and
no one is bothering me in the slightest (the comments I overheard weren't meant
to be heard by me - I just happened to be able to hear them)

So I'm back in drag on Wednesday in the meantime a couple captions:

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