Sunday, March 4, 2012

So it's the "Routine" - I put on makeup and a skirt and blouse and go to
Church, do my volunteer maintenance thing, attend service, hang out a bit
afterwards talking to some people I know then head over to the coffee
house.   Same old/same old but it's fun and I look forward to it.
It really is nice knowing that on Sunday at least when I dress up
I'll see people I know, and we'll hug and I might cry during the sermon
and all that -it's good -I've been feeling I'm really not too terribly
religious, but I've been donating my time and money and I actually
did join this church formally and I can't remember the  last time I
missed a service, so who knows - maybe I really am religious,
I mean seriously I'm the last person in the world to ask what is
religious and what is not - so who knows maybe this is what being
religious is like.

Where am I going with this? Well, I haven't been able to dress up a lot
lately because I don't have a lot of money, and when I do dress up,
it's not like I really feel all that different than I do when I'm not dressed
up -it's nice and I look forward to it  and I can't seriously imagine that
I'd ever stopping going out in public "en femme" once I found out that
it is possible to do this - I really do look forward to it so, but the really
odd thing has always  been that everyone seems to accept that it's
perfectly normal for me to be walking around in a dress, not just
gay people,but everyone - I got home an hour or  two before the
sunset and so I take my dog to a dog park, I;m still in my skirt, and
I'm walking along the trail and some people don't say anything but
a couple people say "Hi" so I say "Hi" and walk along
a lady comments to her friend "It's too cold to be wearing a skirt"
and I over hear this, I walk along a bit more a lady smiles at me,
I smile back, I walk along and then a lady stops me and asks me
"Aren't you cold?" - it;s not like any one is asking me why am I
a guy wearing women's clothing -they seem to accept that for me
that's a normal thing to do -but wearing a skirt on a day when its
about 35 to 40, well dear - that certainly deserves making note of:
that's kind of idiotic - girl, put on something warm.....
it's  odd- I went to the Bell Museum at the U of M (it's
free on Sundays) and needed to use the womans restroom
(fist time using a crowded womans restroom) and no one cared,
I discreetly did my thing and really no one was at all
questioning or anything -it's odd, like I still think I'm very much
a guy and everyone else is willing to accept me as much more
feminine than I think I am, I mean if I can be accepted,
why not? that's OK, It's kind of nice actually

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