Thursday, December 8, 2011

week 5 drag contest was last night - it runs 8 weeks so there's
only a couple more and I'm going to try and make the last three.
I'm struggling but it's good experience and having been dressing
for two months now (yes it is officially 2 months of cross dressing
now) there are things about the drag world that are good to know
and it's interesting seeing the whole behind the scenes stuff.
the people are nice but I kind of feel a bit like an outsider.
One of the contestants I met last night gave me her number about
some actually affordable wigs and dresses and "drag supplies"
like the huge eyelashes and stuff like that -so that wass good,
she's very pretty so I'm totally jealous of her that way but she's
nice and I'd like to improve so I'll gladly accept help in finding
stuff I need to perform better.
I wore the two black gowns again, but I didn't wear the hip pads
( they're not very comfortable and honestly, well if some guy puts
his hand on your hip, you wont feel a thing under all that foam, not
that I'm going to be dancing with some guy, I'm just saying were I to
wind up dancing with some guy it'd be nicer with out hip pads,
anyways.. ) I did wear the corset, and that really changes my figure a lot
(it takes about 7 or 8" off the waist) so I had the black gown and heels
and corset and all and was feeling a little elegant - and sitting at the
bar before the show and a kind of silly boy from New York introduced
himself to me - he was very nice actually and charming but he was kind
of silly (in a nice way but he was) he talked to me a bit and to the other girls
too and that wass fun, at some point he kissed me on the cheek, in a
harmless flirtatous way, but that was nice.  For the first number I did
Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide" -the live version,and played the intro and the
instrumental with my harmonica ( a B flat harmonica if your interested).
I had practced the song while driving at work so I had the lyrics down
pretty good for lip syncing and the gown goes well with that song, so
I was pretty happy with that performance (I do need a song with a longer
instrumental section but I could edit this song if I have time this weekend).
Actually I got a good response from the audience and it went well.
Fishbowl -the second round where you get a song you might not know
didn't go so well -I got a live version of a song  by Cher -"Do you believe..."
I've heard the song a few times before, but I didn't know it or anything
and I struggled through it.  But afterwards, a few people were pretty
sympathetic about it and a very pretty cis-woman gave me a hug, so
if I had chickened out (which I really wanted to do - I knid of suspected
I was going to struggle in fishbowl) I wouldn't have gotten to talk to
a couple people like that so there are good things that happen when
you try, even if you do make a fool of yourself  -for me going out in
public in drag being able to deal with the "this is a humilating situation
and I have to deal with it and get through it as best I can" is the really
valuable thing I am getting from this performing - I am far more
comfortable dealing with potetially embarrassing situations now that
I was a few months ago.
So I had a good time and I was thoroughly exhausted this morning,
and after several days of 10-12 hours of work without breaks,
I finally said I'm just too tired and worn down and I called
in sick and slept in until 10 am (which was sweet!) I've got
something tonight that I have to be boy for , so I can't dress up
tonight but after work tomorrow I will go out, and I'm thinking
I may go out all day Saturday and all day Sunday in drag which
would be a first for me (I've never done all day)

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