Thursday, December 15, 2011

I put in 12 hours at work, so I'm exhausted -it doesn't help that I got pretty
drunk at the drag contest and staggered in still wearing my very pretty new LBD
(little black dress) and black pumps at 2 in the morning and was up at 6,
oh well

I was pretty happy with my performances in week 6 ( two more then
my drag career will come to an end I'm guessing).
I have an electrolyis session tommorrow  then I'll get dressed up
and go see a drag show

I did have one guy hit on me pretty intensly, which was different,
but it's not a big deal, and when I went to talk to some other
girls he didn't pursue it further.  As has been happening a lot
lately the guys or in this case a guy will chat me up if I'm using
the men's room or in this case coming out of the men's room
(and of course I think using the mens room when I'm all dressed
up is totally gross and I just want to get business done and
get out of there)
I thought the black gown and the  LBD were really pretty, and
I thought I was going to be hit on by
guys if I wore something like that in public, but I really wan't at all,
(except when I'm coming out of the restroom, when I have zero
interest in being hit on)
I can sit at the bar, and no guy will come up to me, which
is good in a way, at least I'm not going to do something stupid,
but it would be nice to talk to a guy occasionally - I do talk to the
girls of course, but it's not the same....

I'm really tired so I'm going to sign off here

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