Sunday, December 4, 2011

OK let me explain the caption - I went to church in drag like I always do now,
and then the last couple weeks I've gone out to a museum, so this week I
went to Como park which has a zoo and an an indoor garden -it's really nice
and I thought it'd be a fun place to go in drag, and it was, but I walk in
the primate house, and this sweet old guy who's a volunteer is giving information
to visitors, but I don't know this at the time, all I know is I'm standing at the spider
monkey exhibit watching one monkey groom another monkey and some man
walks up to me and tells me "Spider monkeys don't have thumbs they only have
four fingers, their tails are prehensile"  I am at a complete loss for words, and
take a moment and say "oh..but chimpanzees have thumbs, I'm sure.. I was
just watching them groom, they are very focused aren't they...."
I seriously don't think the guy realized I was a guy in a dress, and
I might have kept him guessing if he hadn't hit me with a question I
was less prepared for than a Republican presidential candidate,
so I must be a little passable, but a lot of girls read me quickly,
or maybe they're just smiling because I'm the only one silly enough
to be walking around wearing a skirt outdoors with snow on the ground.
(I like wearing skirts and there's no backing out when you're in drag in a skirt
or dress - you can take off the wig, but you're still dressed as a girl - it's
no big deal if you're prepared, but there's no backing out -you're in drag
until you get back home)
Anyways church service was good and the sermon made me think a bit,
I might actually do a little Bible reading tonight instead of going out - it would
be nice to relax and read a bit for a change and hopefully you all won't get
too mad about my choice of reading material. 
after service I talked to a couple people, and I should probably give someone
a call during the week to talk about going out shopping -being "one of the girls"
going out shopping with some other trans people would be really fun
Como park was a really good time, everybody was nice to me, not one bad
incident or comment or anything, just friendly people - one girl was kidding me a bit
about if I was warm enough, but she was being friendly - I was the one in the skirt
walking through the snow - which was a very silly thing to do -It was pretty
fun that she thought she could kid me about it - and I smiled and said I was
dressed pretty warm, etc -all in all I had a good time, lunch at the restraunt
there was a chicken quisedella and it was pretty good -it was a nice fun
afternoon, but being in the corset, I wisely decided to head home after
I had lunch.  (Corsets are totally comfortable and really fun to wear
I am finding out - but if you have a few beers or a meal, you better
be prepared to loosen it up or take it off or they really get uncomfortable)
Other than walking the dog, I won't be in drag tommorrow and probably
not Tuesday either - Wednesday is the trans support group if I can make it
and the drag contest ( which I want to enter again). Hopefully Tuesday I can
buy some men size 10.5 figure skates and dye them white - I hope to do a
lot of outdoor figure skating in drag this winter.

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