Friday, February 3, 2012

Transformative Honeymoon's 200th post!
well I better do something special for this,
hmmm, let's see - why don't
I come out to my mom about being
Gay and Trans and Unemployed
I know what you're thinking and you're right
it sucks telling your mom your unemployed....

I came out to my mom this afternoon - it went well,
it's odd, it feels strange but everything is OK
and it's out in the open now and yeh
things are out in the open and I don't know what
else to say - I called a friend after and talked about it,
then we got sidetracked and talked about some other stuff,
because, well  because it's fun to talk about other stuff too    ^_^

I was out wednesday in a black and silver pantsuit and
I'm trying to remember the last time I was out in a skirt, it may well
be about a week ago, but even though I haven't been dressing up a lot
lately, this is a week I'll look back on for a long time.

so I'm just going to hang out in boy clothes in my room and
drink a few beers and celebrate and relax......
and sleep good tonight

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