Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So yeh, like the caption says I'm thinking of going to gender therapy tommorrow
in my work clothes instead of dressed up.  Partly I guess I'm trying to show
the other side, my every day male  work life presentation - which is important
if I start seriously looking at if I'm actually giving up anything looking for work
as a woman versus looking for work as a man, considering how awkward and
uncomfortable I can be as a guy.  I was in Macy's trying on a dress that would
look really good at a Job Fair, and I really thought that I look a whole lot
better as a woman, and I looked OK, kind of nice actually, it was the first
time I've really thought in a believable way -why shpuldn't I show up for
an interview as a woman? I look nice this way...(of course I bought it,
then I tried on a couple more and bought a really cute dress for clubbing,
Honestly I don't like the way I look as a guy, at least as a girl I'd
feel I looked good and had the confidence that I'd be genuinely happy
if I got the job,
It might be a while until I'm dr4essed up again , but I think showing upfor the third
gender therapy session as a guy might be the thing to do.

so anyways I'm going to show up dressed as a guy and talk about
interviewing dressed as a girl, if that makes sense

1 comment:

  1. With the rapid advances in knowledge, several techniques were used to create the vagina; however, Dr. Juta”s technique is one of a kind, “The Scarless Sexchange” wherein there will be no visible scar on the labia majora after the operation. Certainly, he is the only doctor performing a high quality SRS “Scarless Sex change” in Thailand today. With Dr. Juta, you can achieve a successful outcome both in appearance and function, and there are far lesser incidents of complications. The goal of Doctor Juta is to create female sexual organs that look as natural as possible and that allow as much sexual arousal as possible.

