Friday, January 27, 2012

Back when I was active on the D+X institute fantasy forced femminization site
(I wasn't forced of course, but you can be forced if you want to be), anyways
I did a course where I used my photoshopping to make a number of artworks
in the style of some famous woman artists.  It was a lot of fun and about a hundred
times more difficult than it needed to be but I enjoyed the challenge I made for
myself - the artists were Frida (Kahlo), Galizia, O'Keefe, Cassatt,  and Delaunay
I miss being active on the site and I stopped by a bit the other day -I want to
get back on a regular basis as I have more free time again, but anyways there's
an article in the StarTribune about an artist and if you want to take a photo
of yourself as Frida, you can send it to
so I decided why not, and sent that to her - it'd be way cool if I get
a response back,   on a more serious topic,
 I sent out a resume tangentially mentioning my "LGBT-ness"  and
got a response back, I called the guy, but got his voicemail, and I said I'd
email him some additional information, so now
I'm trying to summon up the courage to tell the guy that I want to
go to work for him, but as a woman, or at least to have the option
to show up for work as a woman if I desire (and I'm sure that would
be most of the time, including the interview) -oddly enough I see this
as reducing my chances of getting the job, but I have a job right now,
and I'm well qualified, and he's asking me to explain why my employment
history is as it is, and let's be honest -that is why - so I'll write the response
tomorrow ( I have a session with my non-gender therapist tommorrow and
I'd like to go over how to ophrase this without sounding like an idiot, but
still being clear where I'm coming from -I really genuinely have a lot to
offer them, but they have to accept me as me not as some guy in a cube,
anyways pray for me on this one,
I'm playing my harp in guy mode Sunday and a friend isn't going to be there,
and that sucks -I couldn't tell her that, but this is my blog and I can say it here:
damn, damn damn - anyways I'm just venting, but that sucks,
I got paid, and I've been thinking all week of getting some new skirts -
I'm seeing "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" next weekend with a friend who
is at about the same stage as me in the transition, but we're both going
to get dressed up and go to dinner and the show, which sounds like
a whole bunch of fun and I want to wear a white skirt, heels (of course)
and a brown blouse, but something pretty -so I want to go shopping tonight,
and tommorrow night I may (but not 100% or even 65% sure, but may be)
meeting an admirer (ie a guy who is interested in men who wear womans clothing)
at a local gay bar Saturday night, -these things never seem to pan out for me
if you've noticed, but I'll get dolled up and who knows...
anyways I'm going to get dressed up and see if I can find a cute white skirt
at the Mall of America tonight.

PS - Ellen sent me an email , she liked my Frida - so that's very fun!

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