Thursday, April 14, 2011

I've been thinking I should probably be a little more serious about meeting people
when I go out - as difficult as it is for me to go out and as little time and money as I
have for these things - it's kind of important to make the most of what opportunities
I have.  I made some postings at Laura's Playground:
and got some really perceptive advice to a post I'd made about Gender Therapy and
Therapy in general in my situation- here's an excerpt:

"I think the crux of the problem is what you have identified. The socialization skills. Some
of that can be helped with professional development type of things, but if it takes the form
or social anxiety, that goes a bit deeper and seeing a therapist makes sense. So as you
suggested, you might want to seek out a more general therapist to deal with things like the
anxiety, depression, self esteem, etc. If you can improve those things it will help immensely.
Seeing a therapist for those things, if your not seeking a diagnosis on the gender stuff, may
not carry the same emotional anxiety." [end of excerpt]

It was actually a very long response to a long, rambling post of mine which really put many
things in perspective, and I was really impressed by the thoughtfulness and insight of the
writer (Drea)

Laura's Playground is a very significant site for people with gender issues - and they do a lot
of support for people who are considering suicide or need other immediate support -but also
people who have general or specific questions about their gender issues (it's not for admirers)
so I want to just make mention of the site and say it is an excellent resource
here's the link again:

I also came across this site, and I'm like oh my, oh my, oh my......

so of course I did the only sensible thing one can do after waking up at three in the morning
to visit this site for the third time in four hours - yep, I consulted the on-line I Ching site, and

I know it's hard to believe a grown man does stuff like this.  Oh well.
Honestly - I'm not sure where I'm at on that whole gender thing - I think
I'm leaning more toward a day time / night time split - I'm so used to being
a man at work that I don't see how I could be effective any other way -
but at night, well that's when you let your hair down.  Really now it's kind
of getting to be a case of getting out of school, finding a job, and taking
it as it comes, not consulting the on-line I Ching - I'm such a doofus,
I can't believe I did that - I mean seriously I need to keep the computer
turned off after midnight and get a good night's sleep.

UPDATE - So I got my paycheck and the garnishment still hasn't started.
So the last I heard, The Department of Education was going to garnish
15% of my take home pay from my part-time minimum wage job, and
the total absurdity of it really doesn't matter - but it hasn't started yet,
so I'm going to use this ill-gotten windfall to renew my anti-virus
software for another year -yeah! (there's some freeware stuff I was
going to try -but I've never had a problem with McAffee). 
I will be finishing up school very, very soon now - just after Easter.
As tough as it's been lately - I'm kind of proud of getting through this,
and, well we see - hopefully it increases my options career wise.
So how about a rerun caption for old time's sake:

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