Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This is a pretty dirty post for Transformative Honeymoons -it's not really
all that dirty, but by Transformative Honeymoon standards it's a little naughty
 - so you've been warned -
It was raining today so I went to the art museum then got home and did this
Piet Mondrian exercise, and tried to turn it into a cap, but I took a
weird detour and wound up with this:

I've found these comics on the web, and I'm just passing them
along they aren't mine, I just thought they were funny-they
weren't original to the sites I found them on so I don't know
who made these, or I'd give the attibution:

OK now I got the dirty jokes out of my system, here's
my vocal attempt at "Let the Good Times Roll" a capella (voice only)

and some commentary (this sounded like a decent voice I thought at the time,
but when I go back and listen, it's always like, oh dear, that's not very good)

Take Care,


1 comment:

  1. Never seen those little cartoons. pretty cute. ^_^ love the balloon one.

    The cap is nice, but I don't know why you would want to stop watching prison movies though.. seems like it would be a good idea! *giggle*

    Liked the little background art for it too. I used to this little shattered piece of glass looking art in ms paint. yeah.. not that great.. lol

    The song was nice, but I kept thinking it would be the car's song let the good times roll. but then, I like this one's msg with grab my ass. heheheh. And the commentary was fun, but yeah.. the voice needs a little work. better then me though! ^_^
