Sunday, January 2, 2011

Androgenous is Cool too

I posted the 3 caps for Pink Panther back when my traffic was  a couple views a week,
so I wanted to let more people look at it - I think it is fun.

Round 1
Day 13 of the Honeymoon, continued, part 4
By field reporter Stacy Wilderness

So Sam’s all calmed down, we talked, everything’s cool, I’ve
got to mind my p’ and q’s, but I’m still on the job. Call me later, girl, we’ll talk

Meanwhile, day 13, and where was I?  Oh yes, I remember…

So we kiss, very nice. Very brief, but nice, I still feel
how his lips pressed against mine, feel his firm grip on my
shoulder, to steady me? No, this little peck won’t cause me swoon, silly boy. But nice, I feel warm, I open my eyes and
look into those large blue eyes of his, so earnest, So caring,
so vulnerable.  I can’t match his gaze, so open, he doesn’t understand.  I drop my gaze, then look up again into his
eyes, like a childs’, staring at a comet, I am like a
surgeon behind the mask, or a writer in a café, or a poet. 
I look into his eyes, and blush, He is in love, his love pure, unbounded. I see that, I know that, I understand, but he loves me, and I am a woman. He does not know why I blush, he does
not understand.
I remember the glasses. Two glasses of Bailey’s, one in each hand. I raise the right for my husband to take from my hand.
Of course I serve him.  A Lady serves her husband. She lets
him  drink,she watches, she waits.  and so I raise his glass,
And coyly smile when he takes his drink. His hand brushes
Mine when he takes the glass. Deliberate? Accidental? I’m not sure.Interesting, is he playing games?  I wonder this and
watch him raise the glass to his lips and take a sip of Bailey’s.  He smiles, and sets it down on the table beside
him. Surprisingly, He then reaches for my glass too. He’s
caught me off guard.  I hadn’t expected that. It’s my glass,
I was looking forward to drinking it. 

Ah! I see know, preparation, he’s laying the groundwork,
making plans, playing Games. He plans to kiss me! Well of
course, dear boy, but let’s not make this too easy. His
hand reaches toward my glass. I turn away objecting,
“no! mine”.  His hand wraps over my wrist and pulls
my arm to him, I resist, but lightly (to not spill my
drink, of course), I let him overpower me, let him reach
over with his free hand and take my glass.  He releases
me brusquely,  from his grip,and sets my glass beside his.
I stand there looking mad, oh, I am having fun, in my
pretty little skirt and blouse, all pouty, my face all
flushed, tingling, waiting. This time, I do not have long
to wait. This time he is in control. Dan reaches his arm
behind the small of my back and pulls me to him.  I am
pressed up against him, feeling the strength
of his grasp, feeling the stirrings of his manhood against
my hips, the compression of my breasts against his chest. 
Our lips meet.  A hand reaches under my hair and presses
my skull to him.  I struggle in this grasp, but briefly
and soon yield completely. I can feel his pulse, the
warmth of his flesh, his sweat. I know he feels my pulse
too, it is much quicker than his, I am much warmer, I moan,
I didn’t mean to, it slipped out, this is how I like it,
Dan knows that. Again I moan, and gasp “Dan!” Some Angel.
We kiss, I run my hands through his hair, trace his broad shoulders, and gasp.  His tongue enters me, and I accept it,
let my lips conform to it, let my tongue meet his,
probing it, teasing it, gasping, he pulls me tighter, I try
to match his strength, pull myself into him, harder, and he releases me. and I stand there unsteady, frazzled, my skirt
and blouse all askew, I run my hands down my hips to smooth
the wrinkles, it is hopeless.  Dan stands there, chuckling,
he picks up his glass of Bailey’s and takes a sip. 
Deliberately, he then hands the glass to me.  I accept it
and take a sip.  Tonight, Round One Goes to Dan.

As a Special Feature, Transformative-Honeymoons recently hired
field reporter Stacy Wilderness to provide live action reporting
of her honeymoon, which took place Wednesday, December 15th, at
the Coppertop Church  (First United Methodist) overlooking
the lake in Duluth, MN.

So  I'm making some progress I think. This will sound completely silly, but I've decided
there is absolutely no reason for me not to sleep in a panties and  bra, if I want to,
so, that's what I've been doing, and I don't know, it's kind of nice actually.
I suppose someone could find out, but it's really hard to take that too seriously,
It's high on the list of so what, as I see it.

As I've been working of a girly voice, and just by trying different voices, I've realized
that I've been pulling down my natural voice by at least a half step, maybe a whole
step to sound more "manly".  Which causes a strain on my voice.
So I'm raising the pitch of my natural voice, to remove some strain on my
vocal cords, and allowing my voice to project better.  The result is a voice
that is more androgenous, which I am really comfortable with, it's more natural.

I also found a link on the Trannsgender Daze site for a male vs female
walking simulator (be sure to click the "lines" radio button)
and again, I practiced the girly walk a bit, but what was really striking was the
androgenous 50/50 walk.  Again it seems like a good all purpose
comfortable walk, So I've been adopting that, and it's something you do
in public, I mean what the hell it's how people walk.
So that's my latest  kick- studying androgeny, and practicing androgenous
walking and talking in public and having absolutely no embarassment doing
this, it's like completely normal and acceptable, as I see it.

So, I'll planning in my next post to start including a playwriting section,
that will include plays and music I've written or am working on.  I think
every play I write has a significant gender issue, so it is not really off subject
to a website about Transformation, as I see it.  There will still be captions
at the top of the blog, followed by a Stacy Wilderness report, then a brief
update of how I'm doing, then an exerpt from a play, with a you-tube link
to include a recording, if there is a song involved (I write plays and musicals).
Skip it if your not into it, but I'd hope you'll see this as significantly
improving my blog -that's how I see it

This will be additional, but because it will take more time, I will be

posting on a once per week basis (Sundays only). 

PS -well the Vikes season is over, that's about all you can say about that.

PPS-the play I'll be posting has some professional recordings, that I paid
my own money for, and I really put a lot of work into this.  It's interesting.

1 comment:

  1. look forward to your next post with the recordings. ^_^

    love the report of the slight cat and mouse game with a little struggle. Fun!

    I've seen that walking thing before, I think it's pretty cool that your trying that. and I'm taking notes now.. Is into Androgyny. Check! ^_^
