Friday, April 13, 2012

I really wasn't going to post today - my internet connection is down, and traffic
to my blog is way down, but anyways I had to stop at the library to pick up a
tax form to estimate my taxes (I'm going to file for an extension, but you still
have to estimate what you owe, but I can't pay it and maybe some tax guy can
figure something out in a few months when I'm working again) so I'm
at the library and I'm like screw it, I'll write some shit down -what the hell,
no one reads this crap anyways - boy are we off to a good start

Actually I'm in a really good mood today. I got a call for a second interview
for a really good position! That's early next week, and I'm very excited.
Also, I was on-line for a government sponsored training program I heard about
through a musician friend and today was the last day to enroll - and there were
still openings, so that looks likely -it's an 8-week full time program and it's
unpaid, but it's free too and I'd retrain, and show up for class on day #1 in
a dress, so that'd be fun. I know I'm on the list for another job and there are potentially
multiple openings, but I won't know where on the list I am, so I'll just have to
wait on that. 

So I'm not in a bad position on the job front and I have a 1 in 3 chance of showing up
in a dress, a 1 in 3 chance of going stealth and showing up in a suit, and a 1 in 3 chance
of a blue collar job where I couldn't dress up, but I wouldn't need to be stealth either,
so how I dress for the first day at my new job is in the hands of the powers
that be now - (that would be God for you cynics out there)

I got two calls from friends I haven't heard from in a while and both of them sound
like they are doing well (yeah!) one is a transwoman and that's always nice when
someone has good news, so very cool, the other is a guy musician friend and
it was good to hear from him too -I go weeks without anyone calling me so I'm
like "oh my girl! aren't we popular today"

So, since it looks like I will be working again soon or at least getting training,
and since Saturday is the six month anniversary of my dressing up and
going out in public - I'm going to make an effort to go to crossgender club
meeting even though I'm pretty broke right now - I have a jar full of coins
- I can go to the bank with them and get enough for a few beers I'm sure,
I've earned a little celebration

otherwise I got nothing really

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